About Fr. Ikhiaemoh Benjamin Alenoghena
Father Ikhiaemoh Benjamin Alenoghena hails from Edo state. He began his journey to the Sacred Priesthood in 2017, barely two years discovering the True faith. His knowledge of the True Catholic faith came about through the instrumentality of a Novus Ordo Seminarian who was posted to his Novus Parish for Apostolic work. This young man told him many of the errors and heresies of Vatican ii. But before now, he was already convinced that something was going wrong in the Church by the moral conducts of the many Novus Ordo priest he came in the contact with at the time. Some months later, the Novus Ordo Seminarian was done with his pastoral assignment and had to leave back to the Seminary. When he left, Benjamin took up the course to look up these heresies and errors of the Vatican II religion on the internet, and indeed began to see for himself. At this stage, he was a bit confused, because he was about writing his final year exams in high school, and had always wanted to join the Seminary immediately after leaving high school and having discovered the errors and heresies of Vatican ii, he knew he could not apply to the Novus Ordo seminary anymore. He was a bit confused but this state of confusion didn’t last long for he had to go in search of how to get the Valid Sacraments. In a nutshell, he needed a priest who says the Traditional Latin Mass. Providentially, he came in contact with some sedes who linked him up with the then Fr. Nkamuke (now Bishop). With regards Mass and the administration of the Sacraments, this priest promised to come down to his place then, to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which he did, that was the first time Benjamin witnessed the Traditional Latin Mass. This happened sometime in 2016. During this first visit of his, because of the desire Benjamin had to become a priest, he told Bishop Nkamuke that he would like to join the Seminary, and he got an affirmative response, he could be among those who were to be admitted to Seminary at the beginning of that academic year (2017).
He began formally, his Seminary training at SEDES SAPIENTIAE Seminary in September 30, 2017. During the course of his training to Sacred Priesthood and in accordance with the Canonical requirements with regards the steps to the Priesthood, he received his first Tonsure, the four Minor Orders and the three Major. To the glory of God, he was ordained a Priest by the Most Rev. Bede Okechukwu Nkamuke on the sixth (6th) day of January (Feast of the Epiphany) in the year of Our Lord 2024.
Currently he resides in the SEDES SAPIENTIAE SEMINARY (Alma Mater) as a teacher.